Wednesday 17 November 2010


As I was thinking about concept of "chopshop", suddenly it came into my mind that concept of chopshop is similar to Deconstruction.  Deconstruction is basically an approach introduced by french philosopher Jacques Derrida. It tries to demonstrate that any text is not a discrete whole but contains several irreconcilable and contradictory meanings. (Wiki) It influenced on many area beyond the philosophy like architecture and fashion. Those buildings and clothes, which is  influenced by deconstruction, approach to aesthetic point of view on the objects rather than practicality. I found that understanding deconstructivism can help me out to do my chopshop project.

Buildings designed by deconstructivism architect Frank Gehry

Ray and Maria Stata centre in MIT

 The funny thing about this building is the students of MIT don't like this building much. Because when it is raining, the design can't drain properly so some part of building get leaks. Should design be focused on function or design itself?
 Hotel Marque de Riscal

Dutch Insurance company (Dancing Building / Fred and Ginger)

Cloths designed by Martin Margiela

Cloths made with gloves and pieces of fur. I think these clothes and the chopshop project are in the same context which they are made by parts of other objects.

Cloths designed by Hussein Chalayan

 He designs very constructive cloths even they don't have any function as real life clothes, such as LED dress and table skirt. However, in terms of combining two or more different item into a cloths, the idea inspired me for this chopshop project.

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