Friday 17 December 2010

5000 poly and interior

Finished my 5000 poly and waiting for 3d printed model! I was a bit in a hurry because proto type staff  wouldn't work as holiday starts but i managed to finish the model. It's not in the below show, but I also finished the interior of elly. 4864 out of 5000 poly were used.

Interior planning : I was considering what shape of handle would look good on elly, I narrowed them down to 2 types. one was the normal circular handle and the other one was the kind of joystick or bicycle handle shape.  After matching with preloader, the circular one looked much nicer and matching better with car.

side view of the inside.

handle no.1

handle no.2

looks from the seat. circular one looked better!

The last one was the crazy one just came out nowhere in my mind. I was thinking the person who run this car (actually it turned out a tricycle) should work pedal like when you are on the bicycle. haha.
But he/she must be in hurry to run to fire place so it was taken down. 

Below images are the 3d interior on maya. whole interior props were 7334 polys.

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