Thursday 2 December 2010

Planning 500poly of elephant fire engine (Elly)

As the title of this post, I named my fire engine as Elly. It is just because it will look like an elephant.

I need to make 3 different poly object for LOD(Level of Detail). So I was planing how to make 500poly of Elly first. The thing is my Elly has many props (i.e, hose, ladder and big handle for water tank) outside the car because it is basically fire engine, so it was hard to make all of them in 500poly. So I decided to make car shape first for 500poly model and add props later in 2500 and 5000 poly models.

numbers around the car shows planning the number of subdivisions

And voila, here is 500 poly of Elly. They look a bit shiny because i set the materials and lights in the scene. It will look dull at this time but it will be so cute when it has more polys! My elly's key feature is roundy shape but I can't feel it yet. 500 out of 500 poly were used.

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