Wednesday 15 December 2010

texturing idea

I was thinking about texturing elly, and decided to have  two key colours which are red and yellow. I was planning to have only red, but bit of yellow can be a point on red. It will look fun and live rather than serious accidental mood.  Below images are the reference.

 Also when i looked up pictures of fire engine, i could see many check patterned steel panel inside and outside of the fire trucks.  I guess it is because it wouldn't get caught fire. so I will definitely use it for interior for elly.

I want to texture the exterior as matte shiny red rather than vinyl coated shiny. So I think Phong will be suitable material for that and maybe Blinn will be used more metal shiny part. For the seat cushion texture, Anisotropic will be nice for leather texture but I'm not sure make it as leather or fabric material. If I will go for fabric seat, then I will use Lambert.

+ Dashboard

fire engines' panel have many buttons, switches and stuff, but I particulary like the preloader in the dashboards. I already made the model of preloader and can not wait to texture it.

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