Sunday 9 January 2011

Painted 3D model!

I forgot to upload my painted 3d Elly!
As I said earlier, I painted it with my nail polish. The red one and transparent one ran out after paint elly.

So Elly is officially DONE! :)

LOD and final shot of Elly

It's all done. Interior and exterior fit each other. I only wish I could have more poly to use so that I could add more assets on the car. I'm satisfied with material of car and props , colours look good. Some people said my car looks like a toy so i should add some clockwork at the back like a wind-up toy car. I actually kept that in my mind and that big handle could be clockwork!

When i had the formative session, I was advised to push myself to harder, keep working on the project and manage time effectively. As I finished my work, I think I kept following on the track very well as the advice. It was hard to juggle with chopshop project and another group project at the same time, but I managed it so I'm pretty happy for it.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Say hello to 2011 and Say hello to textured Elly

Low poly model of Elly. The last two shots are rendered images. I like the material of elly. I used bump map on the steel panel at the back so it can be look like embossed panel.

Med poly model.  It has more props like hose and mirror etc. Especially to make that mirror, i needed some help from online forums. Luckily it was not really difficult to do, though.

               This one is about making glass, but I found it is useful to understand specularity and

               This one is more about making mirror.

Check out the mirror, It doesn't seem like reflecting but it does.. :(

High Poly model. Comparing to the low and med poly models, texturing high poly model was not that hard. Because I set all the material and textures already so it worked smoother.

Interior. texuring interior was a bit complicating. I need to do uv mapping separately on seat shape Y and Z axis otherwise the texture would be stretched. so I had to separate the faces, texture them and then combined together again. However texturing handle and preloader was interesting. when I textured the seat, I thought about london buses and tube's seat fabric. The colour looks good with the car as well.
The difficult thing was, my fire engine is an open car. So it was hard to decide where interior starts and ends. Moreover, the interior should perfectly fit to 3 other different poly models. I found compromised point of those 3 shape and make the interior shape as close as it can be. I could have use more polygon on interior, but if I made them too smooth, it wouldn't fit to low poly or med poly model.

captured image from perspective view

Rendered image of dashboard

Saturday 18 December 2010

3D printed model!

I got it yesterday and I ABSOLUTELY loved it. Although details like hose, side mirror, ladder, water tank handle and handle couldn't be on the car because it was too small and complicate to printed in 3D.
Also there is a big hole on the seat. I don't know why but I guess some polygons were not properly carculated through netfabb system. What a shame, but I still love my fire engine. I am going to paint it with my nail polish. I already have right colours of nail polish for the car and it will look all shiny!

Friday 17 December 2010

5000 poly and interior

Finished my 5000 poly and waiting for 3d printed model! I was a bit in a hurry because proto type staff  wouldn't work as holiday starts but i managed to finish the model. It's not in the below show, but I also finished the interior of elly. 4864 out of 5000 poly were used.

Interior planning : I was considering what shape of handle would look good on elly, I narrowed them down to 2 types. one was the normal circular handle and the other one was the kind of joystick or bicycle handle shape.  After matching with preloader, the circular one looked much nicer and matching better with car.

side view of the inside.

handle no.1

handle no.2

looks from the seat. circular one looked better!

The last one was the crazy one just came out nowhere in my mind. I was thinking the person who run this car (actually it turned out a tricycle) should work pedal like when you are on the bicycle. haha.
But he/she must be in hurry to run to fire place so it was taken down. 

Below images are the 3d interior on maya. whole interior props were 7334 polys.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

texturing idea

I was thinking about texturing elly, and decided to have  two key colours which are red and yellow. I was planning to have only red, but bit of yellow can be a point on red. It will look fun and live rather than serious accidental mood.  Below images are the reference.

 Also when i looked up pictures of fire engine, i could see many check patterned steel panel inside and outside of the fire trucks.  I guess it is because it wouldn't get caught fire. so I will definitely use it for interior for elly.

I want to texture the exterior as matte shiny red rather than vinyl coated shiny. So I think Phong will be suitable material for that and maybe Blinn will be used more metal shiny part. For the seat cushion texture, Anisotropic will be nice for leather texture but I'm not sure make it as leather or fabric material. If I will go for fabric seat, then I will use Lambert.

+ Dashboard

fire engines' panel have many buttons, switches and stuff, but I particulary like the preloader in the dashboards. I already made the model of preloader and can not wait to texture it.